My Response
You claim that you're so busy teaching your class that we don't have time for blogging. So how do you explain those scandalous photos you posted of me on your blog.......
What are you running over there, a gossip tabloid? Even your post title, “Better Than Catnip” is ludicrous. My response is taken from sage advice: “Deny everything and make counter accusations.”
If you hadn't put that stuff out in the first place, then this never would have happened!
Indignantly yours,
Labels: Mom
Rascal! I didn't know you could be so silly. But, it looked like you were having FUN!
It's okay to let your hair down every now and then Rascal.
We still respect you.
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Oh Rascal, you look divine rolling around with your new Binky! What was that human saying again?
yur mom deserves to be in the dog house. i belive those pikshures were of some ofer kitty and yus cood sue her fur slander fur publishing false pikshures. i hears sell-eb-ray-tees sue those papers fur postin pikshures of thems all the times. yu shood sue yurs moms. bet she will settle out of court. yu might gets lots more nip, stinky goodness and treats.
Oh Racal, you do enjoy your fleece! I love that first "crazy-eyed" picture of you.
I know you feel grumpy about the pictures, Rascal. But you should not! After all, you are a cat and therefore perfect in all you do, no matter what misled terms others apply to you -- they are just jealous of your superior sensory organs!
Hahahaha We been to see yer pichurs!!
those is sill pikshurs, but she should haf gotten your permishun 'afore posting them.
Its OK to be silly now and again. I'm not sure I'd be happy with mommy posting silly pictures of me, but I'm sure it will happen soon enough.
You still are a handsome boy even when you're silly! Love the fleece (well yarn) but no way is it better than the nip. I can quit anytime really!
Rascal, you should be upset. Humans should not be allowed to invade our privacy like that...
the biggest purroblem here is why's she keepin' up her own blog an not helpin' you two wif yurs? at least when she blogged on hers, it wuz 'bout you. that's a good thing izzn't it?
Meowmy has a horsie saddle pad made all of sheepskin. I've been known to steal it and drag it around. Yes, I realize it is twice my size.
That looks like some purrty special stuff! It looks like you had lots of fun!
When your human pet decides that she has more right than you to the computer, that is when you must resort to rubbing your jowls against the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and even harddrive so that your scent is upon everything she touches. She needs to believe you own it all, Rascal, and right now, I don't think she does.
Don't let her walk all over you. Fight back.
That's telling her, Rascal!
Next she'll be submitting stories to the tabloids about you like Kukka-Marie gets!
Is she sure that's you? Everycat is having a hard time telling me and Persephone apart in photos. We all know it's sometimes hard to tell Grr, Midnight and Cocoa apart, and you and Mr Hendrix often look like me in pictures. I think, how does she KNOW it's you? It could have been some other black cat who teleported over to roll in fleece or something!
You don´t must allow that the human beings should dominate you ... you dominate them... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
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